Monday, August 1, 2011

The Benefits and Special Stress Relieving Abilities of Aromatherapy

What Does Aromatherapy Benefit?

"There are many benefits of using aromatherapy. Aromatherapy may benefit health, emotions, mood, and environment. And, it's fun to discover new aromatherapy benefits and uses for essential oils for yourself.

Benefits of Aromatherapy & Sense of Smell

As the word “aromatherapy” implies, essential oils usually are quite fragrant. There are several ways to use essential oils, and in many cases it is not even necessary to smell an essential oil to receive its benefits. Despite this, the fact that essential oils are aromatic does give aromatherapy an added therapeutic dimension, due to the way humans perceive and process scents.
Aromas are sensed and analyzed in the reticular system of the brain stem. In this system, emotions, memories, and attention are connected. Herein lies one of the powerful benefits of aromatherapy – it can not only help to heal some physical imbalances of the body, but also affect emotions and memory.
Certain aromas can stimulate the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system and many body functions. The hypothalamus may then activate the pituitary gland, which produces hormones that can affect both the physical body and the emotions. Hormones influence emotions and behavior as well as regulate the activities of organs or specific groups of cells in the body. There is also evidence of a link between scent and immune system function."

We make many of our all natural soaps, candles, and melts from the relaxing stress relieving essential oils mentioned in this article.  Aromatherapy is not only a way to improve your health, but a way to enjoy life while doing so!

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