Monday, October 31, 2011

Milk -n- Honey - Sand Dollar Soaps

Milk -n- Honey is an extraordinary soap rich in the wondrous healthy essences of both honey and goat's milk.  This duo makes not only for one very moisturizing nourishing soap bar, but one that is also one of our, in my opinion, best smelling.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ocean Rain is a Soothing Refreshing Nature Rich Soap

Ocean Rain is a refreshing scent for anyone who wants a sense of having a refreshing walk out in nature right after a fresh rain has cleansed the air with a sweet soothing essence.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hello Everyone

Golden Rose is a nice floral scent candle for anyone who loves flowers.  Sweet rose, lily, marigold, and fern make up Golden Rose's strong yet soft scent.  This scent is genuinely uplifting and invigorating with a soothing feminine nature that brings tranquility to the soul.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Candle Gift Set Assortment!

If you've wanted to get more than one of these candles for someone or even yourself at a good bargain price for the upcoming holiday season, then this Candle Gift set may be something to look into!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Celestial Cinnamon Bun

Cinnamon Bun is a scent that smells very much so like when you are at the mall and can tell someone is making cinnamon dessert delights nearby.  The scent is wonderfully powerful and enchanting.  A unique thing about this cinnamon scent is that it doesn't smell just like cinnamon, but it also has the freash baked hot out of the oven buttery bread scent if an actually cinnamon bun as an undertone to the main cinnamon scent. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Passioniate Peach

Passionate Peach fills the air with a wonderful heart exuberating scent bound to fill one with excitement.  Indeed, Passionate Peach's fruity nature is just the thing many people could use to fill their day with an extra touch of energizing wonder.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Relaxing Candle

Relaxing is the actual name of this scented candle, and for a reason.  It appears to possess extraordinary properties in the way of help people to let go and rejuvenate deeply. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Magical Mango Papaya

Delicious Mango Papaya is a tropical delight we can all enjoy delving into.  This sweet nourishing scent is bound to give all who smell it a lift into the higher eschelons of euphoria.  So why not kick back and enjoy this extraordinary gift from nature and just let it all go.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jumping Juniper Breeze

Juniper Breeze from Sand Dollar Soaps is a wonderful forest scent that has the scent of a zephyr wind breezing through on a forest walk with all the wonderful aromas of the forest carried by such a breeze.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Succulent Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry shortcake is a succulently divine scent to enjoy.  This scent overflows the room and all who smell it with the wonder of heaven and a peace beyond reconciliation.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wonderful Wood

Wood's enchanting essence is like taking a walk into a mystical wonderland forest filled with fairies and elves.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Ahhhh yes delicious Vanilla.  Truly a lovely soft creamy scent we could all take a soothing breath of.  This Vanilla candle smells very wonderful, and has the added bonus of being all natural soy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

All Natural Pumpkin Pie Spice Soy Candle!

Here is a wonderful all natural pumpkin pie spice soy candle that smells very wonderful.  It has a strong scent that in my opinion is closer to the scent of carrot cake than pumpkin pie, but is nonetheless exquisitely rich.  This is truly a wonderful candle to let your worries literally melt away.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

All Natural Soy Leather Melt

This delightful leathery scent smells much more than just of a common leather one might smell of the typical leather glove or coat that comes to mind.  Rather this Leather scent smells at its essence of Caribbean Teakwood, a truly divine scent that is worthy of experiencing.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tropical Wonder Flower Plumeria

During my sojourn in Hawaii Plumeria was one of the more heavenly smelling flowers I came upon.  And I must say it was truly heavenly to a magnitude so that it is comparable with Gardenia.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

All Natural Pink Sugar Cotton Candy Melt

Take dip into this wonderful delight of a scent.  Pink Sugar Cotton Candy truly smells of the delicious sweetness of the real deal, more so than dare I say it, the real deal.  How this conundrum can be is matter of contemplation previously touched upon in this blog, but one in which human intellect can make it little ground. 

The experience is that it is so, and perhaps that is enough.  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Delicious Cinnamon Bun!

Mmm mmm mmm mm MMMMMMM!  This is one delicious smelling Cinnamon Bun delight.  Savor in the succulent experience of cinnamon bun!  This is a most extraordinary scent truly embodying the essence of the popular cinnamon bun.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beautiful Burgundy Bonfire

A truly beautiful color, Bonfire is matched in the wonder of its beauty only by the exquisite ecstasy of its scent.  This is a fantastic scent reminiscent not only of the nostalgic scent of a bonfire, but also of the beloved Christmas time hearth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All Natural Chocolate Fudge Soy Melt

The scent of Chocolate Fudge exudes from this wonderful delicacy of an aroma.  Let your mind clear and your soul ease with this scent flowing through.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Delicious Tropical Mango Papaya

Tropical Delicious Mango Papaya is a scent that truly smells like of a deep rich fruity soothingness.  This scent is bound to fill one with feelings of relaxation and ease as the scent lays one's soul down to rest for deep rejuvenation.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sacred Sandalwood

Sandalwood is an extraordinary magical essence that comes from rare trees that are now nearly extinct.  The reason for this is due to Sandalwood's wonderful effect on the mind, body, and soul.  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Majestic Moon Lake Musk

Moonlake Musk comes in the form of a mason jar and travel tin as well as the previously mentioned melt.  Moonlake Musk has a unique scent that I personally liken to licorice, a wonderfully unique sweet fragrance.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Heavenly Nature of Juniper Breeze

Juniper Breeze is an extraordinary wonderful woodsy nature scent.  This scent is reminiscent of a serene walk through a pine forest.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Humming Honeysuckle Jasmine

Hummingbirds love honeysuckle just as people do!  It is often said Mother Nature knows best, and in respect to the wonderful scents of honeysuckle and jasmine I very much so agree!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All Natural Soy Banana Nut Bread Melt

As with all our other scented products, Banana Nut Bread's heavenly splendor can also be enjoyed not only as a mason jar or travel tin candle, but also as a melt!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Candy Carnival Cinnamon Bun!

Cinnamon Bun is an absolutely delicious bonanza of aromatic climactic expression.  Indeed, this scent positively heavenly by magnitudes that escape understanding. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Caffeinated Coffee!

Hahaha only kidding about the title, there is no caffeine in this Coffee melt.  That said, the scent certainly does provide that rich sense of invigoration that the scent of the drink coffee gives to all those who have the pleasure scent its deep aroma early in the morning.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grand Gingerbread

Now this is an interesting melt even with its own back story.  Gingerbread is not the true name of this scent, rather "Hansel and Gretel's House" is.   The original name sounds much more magical and wonderous in my opinion, but the name "Gingerbread" is believed to appeal more to the public.  What do you think?  (No really feel free to comment on this one)

The scent itself is a to some extent reminiscent of Gingerbread, but I still feel the original name better captures the essence of this wonderful scent.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Majestic Moonlake Musk

Moonlake Musk is one of my personal favorites because it has a strong deep aroma about it.  Indeed, this scent in my opinion smells similar to licorice.  The uniqueness and strength of this scent makes it a popular one.